Caves and Glowworms / by scotland symons

In my previous post I talked about the caving adventure I went on, that trip was more or less an adventure. I touched on the fact that these caves are just some of the best kept and clean caves I've run into in a while. The practices that are in place for cave preservation are pretty solid without compromising the accessibility of the caves. No granted the majority of the caves are tourist friendly meaning to dont have to gear up or worry to much about cave stability. Although that takes away from the adventure of going into a more wild cave I think there is a benefit in that I can spend more time allowing for study of cave features. I think its also fascinating to see how caves handle a higher influx of people and the effect that has on a cave. These cave also have the benefit of being the home to glowworms and not just a few but an epic amount. I was lucky enough to be granted some extra time in the caves to do a little photography. During that time I got to be by myself for a while in the dark and something magic happened. I have this point that I usually run into in which I get weirded out being by myself in a cave and this time around it never happened. Instead I felt more comfortable then I have ever felt before and it was amazing, I finally felt like I had walked over and through a weird fear. 

I also got to make a new friend Denise who works for these caves and is featured in the pictures below. I started out with shooting the glowworms thinking I could shoot them in the same way I approach some other low light stuff that I do and boy was I wrong. It was a good learning experience and I came out with a great understanding of what will work that I will be working on bringing next time I am here. That said we had a blast doing some light painting and experimenting with the different techniques in this super wonderful place. One thing is for sure I will be back and I want to work with the Caves to make some amazing art.

And here are all of the other photos, sadly many are a tad to grainy for my liking due to an issue I had with my remote trigger deciding that "bulb" was no longer an option that was possible and I had to rely on ISO. I am still really happy with the way things turned out but it means that I want to go back and shoot it again with a new rig that I need to build.