Delayed until Spring 2016

UPDATE: I want to extend this out to what ever nerdy interest that you have because this project is really about showing self expression and how you want to represent it. This really isn't about costumes or Cosplay but more about how you would visualize and express yourself as a character or a love of of that nerdy thing.

  • Extended Timeline: Now going until March 2016
  • Potential of becoming an all new PhotoBook
  • New Cities: 
    • Seattle 
    • Portland
    • San Fransisco / Oakland
    • Los Angles
    • New York
    • Washington DC
    • Tokyo (Depending on time and interest)
    • London (Depending on time and interest)
    • Berlin (Depending on time and interest)
  • Potential New Partners: I may have the opportunity to bring on new partners to the project to aid in the addition of props and locations. 

*More details and times for when I will be in the locations listed above will be updated as I work out the schedule and costs. If you are in one of the cities listed and can help out with a location or logistics I would love to talk to you. If you are in a different city then the ones listed let me know and lets see if I can get out to that location.

Inspiration for the project:

Who wants to be a Wizard, f@#k you I am Wizard and you can too!

For me December is a month where I celebrate my own kind of holiday, a wizard kind holiday. Many years ago around this time of year I started watching wizard type movies and lounging with a hot cup of tea because why not. Suddenly this became a thing that I have done for close to 10 years and now every winter time I cant resist watching Potter or Gandalf do their thing.

To celebrate this I put together a fun project that I want to involve you in. I want to shoot some really great photos of my friends that captures them in their own favorite Wizard style.

Benefits for you to Participate:

  • You get a really awesome picture of you in your selected style.
  • Its an excuse to get dressed up fancy (or not)
  • Being a part of an artistic experiment and be apart of published work (book and media) *note: this is upon your permission.
  • I can also do some portfolio, portraits, or any other photographic need of yours during the session for a deep discounted rate (depends on your persuasion level) 

Sign up today

photos sessions start Dec 16th and run through March 31st